
Fri 19 April, 2024 @ 11:53 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

The event you specified does not exist, or it is too old and excluded.

Current & Upcoming Events

Shigy's Odd End
 DJ Shigy
 Now! 2h 6m remaining!

Blissful Elevations
 DJ Gemmikins
 In 1d 5h 6m @ 5:00 PM, April 20 UTC

Live, Loud and Proud
 DJ Screaminfu
 In 1d 8h 6m @ 8:00 PM, April 20 UTC

Big Hair Ball
 DJ Dharzee
 In 1d 12h 6m @ 12:00 AM, April 21 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.