New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at RP shows?

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New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at RP shows?

Postby Ashval » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:23 pm

The RP environment can be pretty intimidating if you're new to it...and sometimes, even when you aren't. :) I thought it would be best to post a few helpful tips if you're interested in attending TSW shows on Arcadia or Leviathan.

First off, nobody should feel like they have to engage in roleplay if they still want to come out and support the shows. There's no reason that every dancing body and head bobbing along to the music at a club needs to be engaged in deep conversation with the people around them. There's always the GridStream chat channel for out-of-character discussion and comments, and our DJ's are always open to receiving OOC /tells at the shows. All we humbly ask is that you try to respect the roleplay etiquette when GSP is doing a show on Arcadia or Leviathan. To help out, here are a few helpful tips and guidelines about the world of roleplay! :)

First off, roleplay in TSW is actually relatively easy since it's the modern world. There's almost nothing off-limits. There's nothing that says your character cannot be exactly the same as you...just with a bee swallowing issue. ;)

Our hope is that this style of show can be a bridge to introduce some of our interested listeners to the world of roleplay. Don't worry about making mistakes. We're all playing TSW and listening to GSP to have fun. That should apply no matter what dimension the show is on.

At the most basic level, interaction on a roleplay dimension is done as if the character is doing the communicating...not the person at the keyboard. You'll see roleplayers utilizing quoted text to indicate their speech and emotes to indicate their actions. When they need to share an Out-of-Character comment (OOC), that's when you'll often see the words surrounded by double parentheses. Most roleplayers will take it quite a bit further by creating a background story and unique personality for their character. Many will also utilize Twitter and create an in-character account (like Lia has - @HerVioletEyes). And, finally...RP'ers will create their own in-game storylines and events to enhance their gaming experiences and give their characters new and interesting ways to interact.

If you are interested in getting into TSW Roleplay but don't know where to start, here are a few quick links for from (thanks Didaskalos!):
How do you write a good RP Dossier/Bio?
New or Returning and interested in RP?

The TSW-RP mod is a really fantastic tool for roleplayers and can be found here. You can spend a lot of time at RP events just reading the bios of other players. Also, what's nice about the mod is that is has a section for you to indicate your IC/OOC preferences. Roleplayers utilize this mod heavily, so it's highly recommended!

We'll likely add some more tips and tricks to this thread, and we always welcome additional suggestions! Also, don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. We're here to help. Most importantly though, we're here to have fun! :)

- Ash
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Ashval » Wed May 28, 2014 4:57 pm

A few more basic tips while on a RP server...

1) Don't assume you know another character's name. Just like the real world, you don't know who someone is until you've been introduced (or perhaps overheard someone's name mentioned). (IC Twitter accounts are awesome for breaking the ice on this, as you can often recognize people from their Twitter accounts if it's someone you follow)

2) While not exactly a hard-and-fast rule, abbreviations and smiley faces aren't typically used in the RP world. It tends to be an indicator that someone is not in-character, which can lead to being ignored when on an IC server.

3) Walk while indoors...unless you're actually trying to portray a lunatic running around in a bar. :)

4) Put your weapons away. While there may be exceptions, in most social settings...having a big sword in your hand or toting an assault rifle is kinda frowned upon.

5) Step away to change clothes...unless you are intending to put on a public display of nudity. ;)

6) In-game pets are a bit of a gray area. Some of the pet options don't make a lot of sense to be running around in a bar or club, and were clearly designed to be more OOC options.

More later if I think of stuff. :) Again, these are only meant to be helfpul tips for those trying to fit in a bit better on the RP dimension. As a DJ (on Trevalin) that is trying to engage the RP community as much as possible, everyone's efforts so far have REALLY been appreciated!!! <3
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Kermie » Wed May 28, 2014 6:47 pm

hmmm..... sounds about everything i did wrong last show.... though i do run inside in real life..... but thats just me.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Dharzee » Thu May 29, 2014 4:53 am

Ashval wrote:A few more basic tips while on a RP server...

1) Don't assume you know another character's name. Just like the real world, you don't know who someone is until you've been introduced (or perhaps overheard someone's name mentioned). (IC Twitter accounts are awesome for breaking the ice on this, as you can often recognize people from their Twitter accounts if it's someone you follow)

2) While not exactly a hard-and-fast rule, abbreviations and smiley faces aren't typically used in the RP world. It tends to be an indicator that someone is not in-character, which can lead to being ignored when on an IC server.

3) Walk while indoors...unless you're actually trying to portray a lunatic running around in a bar. :)

4) Put your weapons away. While there may be exceptions, in most social settings...having a big sword in your hand or toting an assault rifle is kinda frowned upon.

5) Step away to change clothes...unless you are intending to put on a public display of nudity. ;)

6) In-game pets are a bit of a gray area. Some of the pet options don't make a lot of sense to be running around in a bar or club, and were clearly designed to be more OOC options.

More later if I think of stuff. :) Again, these are only meant to be helfpul tips for those trying to fit in a bit better on the RP dimension. As a DJ (on Trevalin) that is trying to engage the RP community as much as possible, everyone's efforts so far have REALLY been appreciated!!! <3

I'm not familiar with Twitter so I'm sure I'm asking a stupid question but how does following someone introduce you to them? Does it automatically share both parties names, information and pictures with each other? (maybe it does do that, which could be a little creepy.) In real life, I've stalked GSP DJs (and other staff) on Facebook but just because I see their names and faces I wouldn't walk up and say hello if I saw one of them in a bar or restaurant. "Hi <insert name here>, you don't know me but I know you since I've been following you on the internet."

I've heard people say LOL when in 'real life' so is it unreasonable to think some characters might not do the same thing? And if the RP people want to tune someone out or /ignore them, is that such a big deal? It seems to me most of the time the RP people are busy doing RP with each other and not really interacting with 'visitors' from other dimensions anyways. Mind you some of the RP people are still polite and greet people who arrive at the shows, I don't mean to be lumping everyone together, everyone is different much like real life, eh? I also seem to recall seeing people /emote in past tense while role playing on Arcadia, which if I was trying to role play would do a darn good job of 'breaking' my 'immersion.' I didn't rush to type /ignore because they weren't doing things the way I thought they should, I just tuned it out as best I could (even though it gave me the heebie jeebies and although I did contemplate making an OOC comment about it at the time but who am I to judge, eh? (especially since I wasn't trying to RP myself at the time.))

Those are my thoughts on the first two points.. I could try to respond to points 3 through 6 individually but, umm, I think this may come across bad. I mean no offense but they sound a lot to me like rules or suggestions that are aimed at trying to make non-RP people unwelcome. Maybe an automaton is not a typical pet or familiar for a witch.. oh wait, there aren't any rules or game mechanics in TSW applying to playing a witch. Silly me. But wait, there aren't any 'game' rules for playing a vampire or demi-godling or 'normal' person either. Yet I've seen RP descriptions and biographies indicating people are 'playing' those kind of characters. I have no problem with it if it's what they wanna do and their friends want to play along with them. Again, who am I to judge? I even seem to recall overhearing someone at one of Dynamiks' shows in the Horned God (the player wasn't at the show, I'm assuming they were playing downstairs) using 'chaos magic' to change his hat from one style to another. People could be using magic to change their clothes too... or people could not be participating in role play and just change their clothes whenever they want and people could be polite and not care. I think there's a point in there somewhere, I may be able to express it differently if my mad blob of ramble did not pass it on sufficiently.

On a somewhat related note, when RP folks go to a show on a non RP dimension, should the non RP people have to look and see what dimension the visitors are from before deciding to be nice and saying hello? And if the RP people engage in RP on a non RP dimension like Daemon, will they be in danger of being /ignored for doing so? I think that would be kind of silly myself. I think I've only ever seen one person say "I'm going to be all OOC tonight since I'm not on an RP server" or something similar to that.. and I don't think it was someone from Arcadia or Leviathan to begin with. Also on a somewhat related note, maybe the Gridstream chat promo could be played at RP shows sometimes to be a friendly way of helping remind people of an alternate means of communication.

In closing, if we don't want to fit in we are free to ignore these helpful hints? Or maybe these are official, Funcom sanctioned guidlines to role playing in The Secret World and I've just been too lazy to look them up on the forums. Technically, in my mind, just by showing up at *any* GSP show (AO/TSW/Arcadia/Daemon,etc.) I'm role playing because the real me would not do any such activity. Never mind trying to be polite and 'fit in' with any other persons idea of 'how' to role play, eh?

P.S. I think I've gone over 'my two cents' limit, you may have to bill me for the additional word count.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Ashval » Thu May 29, 2014 3:24 pm

Dharzee wrote:I'm not familiar with Twitter so I'm sure I'm asking a stupid question but how does following someone introduce you to them? Does it automatically share both parties names, information and pictures with each other? (maybe it does do that, which could be a little creepy.) In real life, I've stalked GSP DJs (and other staff) on Facebook but just because I see their names and faces I wouldn't walk up and say hello if I saw one of them in a bar or restaurant. "Hi <insert name here>, you don't know me but I know you since I've been following you on the internet."

I'd say the TSW Twitter RP scene is similar to RL Twitter/FB use but probably a bit more active. You'd be surprised how well our characters can get to know each other from the amount of time we spend roleplaying on Twitter (and I'm *very* guilty here...I've already passed 1,000 tweets LOL). Twitter accounts do have a picture attached to them (often either a celebrity likeness like I chose with Trevor or a screenshot profile of themselves), and many of us will share other pictures on our feed. Twitter is a bit more interactive than the FB stalking scenario like you presented...particularly since we're all there to actually use Twitter to interact with other characters out-of-game. So it's not uncommon to say "Hey, you're so and so right? We finally get to meet in-person!"

Dharzee wrote:I've heard people say LOL when in 'real life' so is it unreasonable to think some characters might not do the same thing?

Absolutely not! If that's something your character would actually say, than that certainly falls into the exceptions category I mentioned. I don't ever say "LOL" in real life, but I might often say "OMG." I think it's how the terminology is being used (in association with other actions) that makes it clear whether or not someone is being in-character.

Dharzee wrote: And if the RP people want to tune someone out or /ignore them, is that such a big deal?

Nope! Not a big deal at all. I only brought that up to help anyone that might be wondering why they may be not getting replies or were hoping to interact more. :)

Dharzee wrote:I mean no offense but they sound a lot to me like rules or suggestions that are aimed at trying to make non-RP people unwelcome. Maybe an automaton is not a typical pet or familiar for a witch.. oh wait, there aren't any rules or game mechanics in TSW applying to playing a witch. Silly me. But wait, there aren't any 'game' rules for playing a vampire or demi-godling or 'normal' person either. Yet I've seen RP descriptions and biographies indicating people are 'playing' those kind of characters. I have no problem with it if it's what they wanna do and their friends want to play along with them.

Sure. You'll see characters bending the rules all the time, but they're doing so with a roleplayed explanation. They act out those exceptions. Let me give a better example on the pets thing. Would anyone really bat an eye at a dog or cat or even a wolf when there are some pretty bizarre creatures already roaming the Crusades? (and I'm not talking about our listeners) Of course not. If, however, you had a filth creature running around? Do you see my point there? People are going to react to it. If you're okay with that, then who cares? I'm trying to point out things that people new to RP may not think of.

Dharzee wrote:People could be using magic to change their clothes too... or people could not be participating in role play and just change their clothes whenever they want and people could be polite and not care.

Of course they could! (though that's some pretty impressive magic :) ) Again, it comes down to whether you're RP'ing that or not. Would most RP'ers probably just be polite and not care? Most likely. And, I haven't seen any RP'ers at my shows pointing fingers at anyone or making a stink about OOC behavior. In fact, they've been pretty understanding. What I have heard from OOC players is some confusion about how to better integrate at a RP show. If you, the player, doesn't mind flying through outfits during a show and gives no mind to explaining why or how...that's certainly your perogative. And, it's not likely going to cause anyone to gang up on them pointing fingers at them. ;) Again, these are meant to be tips based on pretty standard RP server behaviors. As with most guidelines, they're not hard-and-fast rules.

Dharzee wrote:On a somewhat related note, when RP folks go to a show on a non RP dimension, should the non RP people have to look and see what dimension the visitors are from before deciding to be nice and saying hello?

I certainly wouldn't think so. If a show is on a non RP dimension, then anything goes. Some RP'ers may decide to stay in-character, and that's their choice just as it's a non-RPers choice to not roleplay when on an IC dimension.

Dharzee wrote:"And if the RP people engage in RP on a non RP dimension like Daemon, will they be in danger of being /ignored for doing so? I think that would be kind of silly myself.

I agree that it would be kinda silly, but it's happened. Just as some players who are used to being OOC all the time feel a bit ignored (and I don't mean the in game ignore feature when I say that, btw) on a RP server...I've seen those RP'ing on Grim at Ashval's shows be kinda shunned as well. It really comes down to the admittedly frustrating quandry of "meeting someone." A RP'er often feels hesitant to roleplay an introduction to someone who is clearly OOC, so they'll possibly RP with someone they know and trust or make the decision to go OOC (some aren't willing to, just as some OOC players aren't willing to try RP'ing). I HATE that there's always this rift between OOC and RP behavior, but it's why RP'ers are so appreciative of having a RP dimension for their own. It takes some courage to put yourself out there and RP, and there's a trust factor in knowing they won't be made fun of for trying. I don't know any way to really resolve this. For my own benefit (and sanity), I've made the decision to RP when on Arcadia or Leviathan and be OOC when on a OOC dimension. I started out trying to RP back at folks at Ashval's shows, but lately I've decided that it's just easier to tell them I'm OOC. Which leads me to your next comment...

Dharzee wrote:I think I've only ever seen one person say "I'm going to be all OOC tonight since I'm not on an RP server" or something similar to that.. and I don't think it was someone from Arcadia or Leviathan to begin with.

That was me on Ashval. Announcing to other RP'ers that I would be OOC because my show was on Grim. Ash has done shows on a RP server before, so I consider it a courtesy to just let others know in advance.

Dharzee wrote:Also on a somewhat related note, maybe the Gridstream chat promo could be played at RP shows sometimes to be a friendly way of helping remind people of an alternate means of communication.

I would play that more, but this is me being a hardcore roleplayer when I say refers to an OOC channel when I'm doing an IC show. I try very hard not to cross that line on Trevalin because it's really easy for me to get sloppy with it, and I like the challenge of trying to stay as in-character as possible with that show. I'll take your advice though and maybe try to play it in my lead-in more often...before I actually go live.

Dharzee wrote:In closing, if we don't want to fit in we are free to ignore these helpful hints? Or maybe these are official, Funcom sanctioned guidlines to role playing in The Secret World and I've just been too lazy to look them up on the forums. Technically, in my mind, just by showing up at *any* GSP show (AO/TSW/Arcadia/Daemon,etc.) I'm role playing because the real me would not do any such activity. Never mind trying to be polite and 'fit in' with any other persons idea of 'how' to role play, eh?

And, this is where the struggle occurs. OOC players get their hackles up because they feel like they're being asked to conform to basic etiquette that is standard and understood by roleplayers. Roleplayers get their hackles up when people are being blatantly OOC because they often feel shunned and poked fun at for wanting to play a certain style. We're back to that dilemma again that there's no easy answer to. It's why I chose to add a second show, because I didn't want to alienate any of my regular Ashval listeners. I've already lost some people who tried hanging out at Trevalin's shows because they don't feel like they fit in, or don't want to really try roleplaying. And, that's perfectly fine! This was a bonus show from me, and I absolutely LOVE doing it.

I would hope that anyone who loves and supports GSP would understand why these shows make sense for us. I'm able to draw literally four to five times the crowd already at Trevalin's shows because of how social roleplayers are. And, I have seen some of those listeners willingly come to Ashval's shows and be OOC.

Not everyone wants to RP. Not everyone wants to be OOC. There's nothing wrong with that. Please don't disregard my suggestions/tips though as being snooty or out of line. They're meant to be helpful for people who want to try to roleplay or have questions.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Kermie » Thu May 29, 2014 7:35 pm

And this is why I have decided to no longer go to trev's shows. Outside of the fact that I almost got my arse handed to me, I am way more comfortable with ooc shows. Plus at 47 years old I neither have the time nor the desire to learn how to tweet. Though I might get the rp mod and play with it since I do want my toon to have a back story
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Ashval » Thu May 29, 2014 7:54 pm

Kermie wrote:And this is why I have decided to no longer go to trev's shows.

Which is absolutely 100% cool with me...though I'll miss watching you almost get killed. ;)
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Kermie » Thu May 29, 2014 9:28 pm

Ashval wrote:
Kermie wrote:And this is why I have decided to no longer go to trev's shows.

Which is absolutely 100% cool with me...though I'll miss watching you almost get killed. ;)

yeah.... she was the only one paying attention to me as well.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby The Oubliette » Fri May 30, 2014 5:22 pm

The spectrum of RP/Non-RP tends to contain certain people. Allow me to demonstrate.

Top down:

{RP Hater/NonRP}: "Fuck this RP bullshit, I don't come to a game to think about shit, I just wanna watch my toon's ass jiggle and kill shit, so DON'T RP at me or near me, I will attempt to BREAK your immersion"}

{RP Tollarant/NonRP}: "I don't roleplay so don't expect me to play along or ever pretend to understand your words when couched in a roleplay way. I'll talk to you but I'll likely break your immersion without being malicious about it"}

{RP Accepting/NonRP}: "I get it, you're RPing near me and that's okay. I likely won't RP with you but I'm going to avoid breaking your immersion. I'll talk about real life things but avoid mentioning that your character is a character in a video game"}

{RP Curious/NonRP}: "I see you're RPing. I hang out with NonRP people and don't normally roleplay but, I'll dabble in it with you a little. I am not experiences at it and may ask questions as I'm unsure how this goes. I won't break your immersion. Any intense RP will turn me off to the experience very quickly."}

{Part Time OOC RPer}: "I roleplay some of the time and some of the time I am OOC. I OOC when doing missions and roleplay socially. I do not mind breaking IC for some OOC comments. I use "((" before OOC. I don't take RP very seriously and avoid any intense RP."}

{Full Time RPer}: "I roleplay almost exclusively, and welcome RP comments in missions but will focus on the combat to avoid failure, returning to RP right afterward. Immersion is not to be broken if it can be helped and I don't mind most intense roleplay."}

{Hardcore RPer}: "OOC is offensive in a roleplay setting. If I wanted OOC, I'd log out and go outdoors. If you break my immersion with bunnyhopping everywhere, wearing rocket launchers in public and spamming emotes, I will /AddIgnore you in 2.5 seconds flat. I seek out/create intense RP situations and story is more important to me than serenity and I may even kill my character off for story. When i do missions or combat, I WILL roleplay throughout, caring nothing for a perfect combat build and more about what weapon my -character- would have."

And then there are some specialized RP types. They exist, some more than others and some are more pleasant than others:

Mr. Softie: "I'm willing to bend for your RP. I can improvise around your story and the world is full of possibilities; I accept the possibilities that your character may be described as, regardless of your absurdly wild description. I may accept that your character is better/faster/more skilled or intelligent than mine. I will let you color my roleplay world. It's all good..."

Hall Monitor: "I have a VERY specific view of the game-world cosmology. The game designers set the rules and I will follow them and will try to get you to follow them too. I do not accept your roleplay as part of my character's reality unless it fits into these social rulesets. You defy the bounds of what the game world was set up as and you are breaking my immersion by roleplaying as some character trope from your personal mythology and or video games, television, film, etc. I may or may not roleplay with you, or I may tell you how much I'm willing to accept from your roleplay. You're breaking my immersion, so I will break yours."

The Realist: "I roleplay a down-to-earth character with real-world experiences, hope, dreams and requirements such as sleep, food, and happiness. I discover your character is Simon Belmont's (Wait, from that castlevania Nintendo game??) grandchild, wielding the spear of destiny and an original, living copy of the necronomicon which is capable of unraveling reality... and you're sitting in my bar, trying to impress others with all of this? You're breaking my immersion with over-the-top self-aggrandizement, therefore, I will avoid roleplaying with you and likely pretend your character do not exist."

I'm ... BATMAN!: "I enjoy roleplaying as a powerful character. I do this because life is boring to me and I want roleplay to be exciting and dramatic. I draw from things I have seen in film, comic books, television and video games. My character is in technicolor and the way I see it, my character is the hero of this story. I will often have to remind you of this. I will seek out others who can support this roleplay and avoid anyone who will not. I won't mess with your immersion, but I'll expect you to accept mine."

The Village Bike: "My roleplay may be done with one hand on the keyboard. I will seek out every chance I can to roleplay seduce, and possibly more, with others in my general vicinity. It's not hard to tell who I am and we are legion. I don't usually do combat and a bar setting is my natural habitat and I do not stray far from it. Expect to experience my sexual fetish shortly after we begin talking and most likely some private messages the moment I feel the mood is right, containing some very graphic depictions of sex and sex-like things. I'll roleplay with you any time, but unless it ends up the bedroom, I'll quickly lose interest in you. I'm here to gratify my libido. Immersion? Now immerse your **** in my ****!"

The Drama Vampire: "I don't roleplay, my id does. I enjoy seeing how far I can push people and their roleplay. I don't mind making up wild lies if it will cause a stir. I get my biggest thrill when people become upset though I'll never admit to this. I'm a classic manipulator and you people are my toys. I will drape my carefully (or not so carefully) designed machine of chaos in a roleplay blind, but I am at the center of very controversy. I hand out with and attract others who are similar to me. We often travel in packs to support each other. My ego strong on the outside and soft on the inside and we feed on your failure but react violently to any criticism of my actions. What I do is not so much actual roleplay as it is a form of catharsis for my low self worth in real life. For me, I need this to feel healthy. I substitute your immersion for mine."

The Numerical Warrior: "My level is higher than yours. I play endgame a lot and my equipment is L337! so when I do roleplay, watch your step pal, because if we were in a PvP zone, i'd destroy you. If, in a non-PvP zone, you offend me, you can be sure that my character is not only superior to yours, but I will have to challenge you to a fight or simply describe how I wildly attack you, to defend my honor. After all, this is what a ninja/assassin/vampire/oni/pirate/badass/anime-character would do and I have the numbers to back up my bad-ass "ka-rah-tay" roleplay. Expect me to have a giant sword, or a missive gun, that I will pull out from my billowy trenchcoat. It does 1271 Damage per hit and I have a reduced attack rate and of course I will defeat you before coolly and emotionlessly turning back to my cup of authentic japanese green tea and saying something pithy, likely cribbed from Sun Tzu. If you do not accept that you were attacked by me or that I am CLEARLY numerically superior, you have broken my immersion."

I hope this list is helpful. Roleplay, to someone who's never experienced it, can be a strange forest with some very bizarre creatures therein. SOmetimes a field-guide is helpful. Of the above items, I will be the first to say, I normally fall into the "Full Time RPer" sometimes, depending on my mood, I flex around the spectrum. When I'm on an non-rp server, like I was for one of the Gridstream shows, I play by the "When in Rome" rules, but I feel like I put off an RP aura, sometimes RPing in OOC, not expecting it in kind but amused when others did. I have also said at times, I'm not sure I actually RP so much as I method act my life in an RP environment with pure fiction RP used to fill in the cracks where the character is concerned, which I feel is a GOOD place to start RP. Think "IF, I was playing myself, thrust into this strange place, filled with strange people, how would I react, or interact? I clearly never left that starting place. I also sometimes emply "RP muggings" for people having a hard time starting RP, which is to say I hear in private message "I'm not sure I know what to RP/not sure I have a good concept for my character" to which I simply begin RPing at them, asking them personal questions, like "So where do you work?" "Where did you grow up?" "Where'd you buy that coat?" "Why the HELL is your hair that color??" or simply regailing them wirth my character's life details and the next thing they know, they have a basis for their character or, it leads them to think more about their character as if it had a life before logging in and meeting this crazy looking chick with the mohawk. I try not to RP mug often though.

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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Ashval » Fri May 30, 2014 5:43 pm

Oubs...that right there is one of the greatest forum posts in the history of forum posts. Wow. ;)
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Lia » Fri May 30, 2014 6:08 pm

Yeah, going to have to agree with your posting, Oubs. That's....very accurate.

Honestly, a lot of OOC and IC mingling and interaction between those who do have differing styling of how they deal with RP... is a compromise. Not everyone wants to do it, obviously, which is why there is often conflict.

I don't mind trying to interact with OOC players at shows - I write off the comments of speaking about RL issues, which.... works well in a game that has a setting like TSW. Of course, if they talk about the game, mechanics, or characters.. that gets weird. Hell, I've been bad about this myself.

I don't like to RP all the time and I do like being OOC - like at the birthday bash it was a weird mix of OOC and IC. I blame the rum.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Vallikat » Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:50 pm

I'm late to the game here, but I also want to comment that Oubs' post is very well written. It very definitely covers every aspect of RP that I'm aware of and some that I wasn't. Thanks for writing it! :)

I have a question for whoever can answer this for me, regarding the use of first names. I have a hard time remembering folks by their first name and sometimes then have difficulty following what is going on around me. I started keeping full names visible to help with this but on my monitor that can sometimes make for quite the jumble. So my question is this (and I mean this with all respect) why the emphasis on persistant use of first names rather than nicknames? While I do know some RPers who go by their nic (like ...well for example) but otherwise it seems to be rp etiquete to use only first names. Yet in RL, if I meet someone and get friendly enough to know them by a nickname then I will call them that rather than revert to their proper name. So then isn't it more familiar and friendly even in a RP setting to use nicknames of folks that you are familiar and friendly with?
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Ashval » Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:29 pm

I think in most cases Roleplayers consider nicknames to be "codenames" or their "agent names." For some, they feel like this shouldn't be common knowledge. For others, it *is* what they prefer to be known as. I think it's less about a hard and fast rule on which name you use and more about what has that character been introduced to you as. Admittedly, it can be hard to remember all of the names. For me, I tend to keep a mental file of who DOESN'T like to be called by the their first name. That number is smaller and easier to remember. LOL Of course, then I have to remember if I've actually met them or not. *head explodes*

It does get a bit easier in a party setting though. I mean, it's perfectly reasonable if someone is a regular at a party and their name is being used start using that name yourself.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Vallikat » Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:03 pm

Ah the "codename" or "agent name" aspect makes sense to me. I hadn't really thought of it like that. I'm just really bad at names no matter what world I'm in, so I suppose that's why this practice always confuses me. It's hard for me to remember that the name I see in my chat window actually corresponds to another name and it is that other name I need to use to respond to that person.

I suppose like anything else though it is a matter of practice and getting used to it (and like I'm starting to find now with so many things: taking notes).
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Antu » Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:24 pm

Vallikat wrote:I'm late to the game here, but I also want to comment that Oubs' post is very well written. It very definitely covers every aspect of RP that I'm aware of and some that I wasn't. Thanks for writing it! :)

I have a question for whoever can answer this for me, regarding the use of first names. I have a hard time remembering folks by their first name and sometimes then have difficulty following what is going on around me. I started keeping full names visible to help with this but on my monitor that can sometimes make for quite the jumble. So my question is this (and I mean this with all respect) why the emphasis on persistant use of first names rather than nicknames? While I do know some RPers who go by their nic (like ...well for example) but otherwise it seems to be rp etiquete to use only first names. Yet in RL, if I meet someone and get friendly enough to know them by a nickname then I will call them that rather than revert to their proper name. So then isn't it more familiar and friendly even in a RP setting to use nicknames of folks that you are familiar and friendly with?

First off, yeah, Oubs, that was pretty much the bestest summary ever.

As to your question, Valli, there's not as hard and fast a rule as your question indicates. It really does come down to knowing their characters. For instance, my characters:
  • Ravafea "Antu" Skydancer = Goes by Antu. Ravafea isn't even common knowledge.
  • Alexandra "Rekvijem" Rest = Goes by Alex or Alexandra because ain't no one got time for Croatian.
  • Athanasios "Didaskalos" Vasiliou = Goes by Thanasi because I'm a hateful person and because that's the normal Greek nickname for that name (OOC everyone calls him Dida/Didas)
The same is true with some other characters. Having the TSW-RP mod helps for keeping things straight sometimes. Sometimes, I can't remember so I just send an OOC tell to inquire. The example that comes to mind is Anna "Rovena" Treublatt, who never goes by Anna, but I always feel like she never goes by the other. So I send her a tell to verify one way or the other.

Anyway, that all seems more complicated than it actually is. The fact is 95% of the time it's fairly obvious. You likely won't have a circle larger than a dozen people normally, making it easier to keep names together.

Except Iolanthe/Lia. The number of times I've accidentally called her "Iolanthe" in character...seriously, screw that chick. ;)
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Vallikat » Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:37 pm

Thanks for the clarification as well, Antu!

Antu wrote:Except Iolanthe/Lia. The number of times I've accidentally called her "Iolanthe" in character...seriously, screw that chick. ;)

That's almost a perfect example of what I'm talking about though. You should be able to get away with calling her a nickname even in character (especially when in a mixed setting where a lot of people will be calling her that anyway) because you guys are friends like that.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Antu » Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:04 pm

Vallikat wrote:Thanks for the clarification as well, Antu!

Antu wrote:Except Iolanthe/Lia. The number of times I've accidentally called her "Iolanthe" in character...seriously, screw that chick. ;)

That's almost a perfect example of what I'm talking about though. You should be able to get away with calling her a nickname even in character (especially when in a mixed setting where a lot of people will be calling her that anyway) because you guys are friends like that.

Actually, I do make a bit of an exception for the times I slip and call her Iolanthe in-character, because both Antu and Alex know her professionally (i.e. via GSP) where she goes by Iolanthe.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Vexzin » Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:58 am

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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Lia » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:43 am

Vallikat wrote:Thanks for the clarification as well, Antu!

Antu wrote:Except Iolanthe/Lia. The number of times I've accidentally called her "Iolanthe" in character...seriously, screw that chick. ;)

That's almost a perfect example of what I'm talking about though. You should be able to get away with calling her a nickname even in character (especially when in a mixed setting where a lot of people will be calling her that anyway) because you guys are friends like that.

Actually, almost no one calls her Iolanthe.

Alex, Antu, and Dui are the only ones I've noticed that do. Dui prefers to call her Io.

Everyone else calls her Lia.

Professionally speaking? It would be acceptable for another Illuminati Agent to know her callsign. She's introduced herself as that, so it would be even plausible for others to know, but generally speaking? In mixed company, I would think the given name would be more appropriate. But, really? The thing that bothers me more is when people use her name(s) without being properly introduced or without foreknowledge of her.
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Re: New to Roleplay? Not sure what to expect at Trevalin's shows?

Postby Antu » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:16 pm

Iolanthe wrote:Professionally speaking? It would be acceptable for another Illuminati Agent to know her callsign. She's introduced herself as that, so it would be even plausible for others to know, but generally speaking? In mixed company, I would think the given name would be more appropriate. But, really? The thing that bothers me more is when people use her name(s) without being properly introduced or without foreknowledge of her.

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